
Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 12:52 AM | No comments

Our Sustainable Holiday Trip


Like every year our students get involved in eTwinning projects. Our sustainable Holiday Trip is a multidisciplinary project including schools from Tunisia, Italy and Romania. The idea of the project revolves around the theme of Sustainable Holidaying. Holidaying is a well-thought of enterprise. As such, we need to make the right choices and decisions. We should not only take in consideration our budget, our interests and needs but also think of the impact our activity may have on the climate, the environment and the planet . That’s why in our project “Our Sustainable Holiday Trip” our purpose is to foster a sustainability mindset by helping the students develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to think, plan and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for our planet through the theme of holidaying. The 3rd grade maths  students with their partners   will thoughtfully design sustainable holiday brochures or videos collaboratively.

The project aims at the students to : 

  • gain knowledge about the SDGs by investigating the aspects of sustainability in general and in the context of a holiday trip in particular
  • examine the values and behaviours that will contribute to a sustainable future
  • create a plan for a sustainable holiday trip as a way to act for a sustainable future
  • develop English language skills
  • develop life skills of collaboration, communication , critical thinking, problem-solving, flexibility, and self-regulation
  • develop and foster the students digital competence
  • learn to learn , to manage one's learning and to think critically


Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 10:07 AM | No comments

Word Search Review



Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 9:54 PM | No comments

About the eTwinpreneurs Project

One of the eTwinning activities that the Nabheni students took part in this school year 2019-2020, was the eTwinpreneurs. 3 teachers from Bachir Nabheni took part in the project. 

They collaborated with their students and other teachers and students from schools in Europe and Jordan. The infographic below gives you a brief idea about the project. 

The Etwinrepreneurs
Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 9:07 PM | No comments

The eTwinpreneurs Timeline


     The eTwinpreneurs project was launched in November 2019 and went on till June 2020 with plenty of activities going on until the end of the academic school year. Below is an infographic summerizing the different milestones of the project and the different activities that the students and teachers performed.

eTwinpreneurs Timeline


Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 5:20 PM | No comments

The eTwinpreneurs 2020 eTwinning Project

About the eTwinpreneurs

   The etwinpreneurs is an eTwinning interdisciplinary project involving the participation of 7 schools from 6 countries in Europe and the Mena region. IIS P. Sraffa from Italy, Om Aldardaa Secondary School for girls from Jordan, Colegiul National "Nichita Stanescu”, Ploiesti from Romania, SABEL Schule from Germany, Salgótarjáni Bolyai János Gimnázium from Hungary. The Tunisian Team includes 3 teachers (Mrs Hayfa Majdoub, Mrs Sonia Souai, and Mrs Raja Sassi) and their students from Lycée Bachir Nabheni in Hammam-lif and Mrs Ines Messelmani and her students from Lycée AbdelAziz Khouja in Kélibia. 

     In addition to developing the students English language skills, the project aims at developing the students’ entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Through the different pedagogical approaches deployed and the various activities in the project, the teachers intend to provide opportunities for collaboration, effective communication through real context and problem solving situations for their students integrating the above mentioned skills to the core subjects involved in the project. 

    The project was launched in October 2019 by Hayfa Majdoub (Tunisia) and her cofounder Mariella Brunazzi (Italy) both teachers of English. The project ended in May with a successful online campaign organized by the students on different social media channels. The activities of the project went on all year long, yet, the Coronavirus crisis has been a factor for change in the planned activities but keeping the same scope of developing the students entrepreneurial ventures. A recently published newsletter of the project final products is a summary of the activities that the students took part in or collaborated internationally to achieve them. 

    The students and the teachers primarily used the Twinspace , the eTwinning safe working place, they communicated and collaborated through other various web tools such as Microsoft Teams, Google Hangout. They also used discussion groups on messenger and facebook groups. Moreover, they wrote emails and created videos, they created posters collaboratively wrote a script for a collaborative video. The learning activities involved the students, their family members and friends through sharing tips on how to be positive during the quarantine. But they also involved students and people with special needs both from their schools, different schools or from the civil society. 

 Here are the links of the project different social media channels: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/E-Twinpreneurs-112433327078696/ 
Twitter: @E_Twinpreneurs Instagram: e_twinpreneurs 
YouTube: eTwinpreneurs eTwinning



Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 10:19 PM | No comments

Our School Internet Policy


Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 6:09 PM | No comments

Safer Internet Day

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