The Science and Maths third grade students took part in an interdisciplinary , bilingual eTwinning project dealing with fighting different forms of discriminations . There was a quality exchange between all the students from Bachir Nabheni High school and their peers from other schools in France, Romania and Italy. The project is both in French and English.
"Non à la discrimination" No to Discrimination project aims to be interdisciplinary, unifying and effective.
Through the activities, we want to bring the students to:
- become aware of the seriousness of discrimination,
- become familiar with collective projects and strengthen their sense of belonging to a large heterogeneous community by developing the notions of diversity and solidarity through several ideas: games, screenings, group actions, etc.
- become future good, respectful citizens who act actively to fight against unfair practices and communicate human values such as mutual aid, the rejection of prejudices and inequalities.
- have a sense of commitment to solidarity actions.
- be sensitive to the duty of memory by studying the history of characters who fought discrimination in their time through personal or collective actions.
- learn to unmask discriminatory practices.
- use as many ICT tools as possible provided by the eTwinning platform or elsewhere.
One of the eTwinning activities that the Nabheni students took part in this school year 2019-2020, was the eTwinpreneurs. 3 teachers from Bachir Nabheni took part in the project.
They collaborated with their students and other teachers and students from schools in Europe and Jordan. The infographic below gives you a brief idea about the project.

Poster creation for the Tree Planting Campaign
Voicethread is an interactive collaboration and sharing tool that enables users to add images, documents, and videos, and to which other users can add voice, text, audio file, or videos, or video comments. The following is a speaking activity. Students leave their answers in comments. Student A asks his/her classmate about his/best friend by leaving a comment. Student B describes his/her friend in a comment. And, they swap roles.