فكرة المشروع OSHT 2.0
مشروع OSHT 2.0 هو مشروع تربوي في التوأمة الرقمية يخوض خلاله الطلاب من دول مختلفة (تونس، رومانيا، إيطاليا، إسبانيا، فرنسا) رحلة تعليمية لرفع وعيهم بالعمل المناخي والاستدامة من خلال موضوع العطل والأسفار يلعب خلالها تلاميذنا دور وكالة أسفار تروج لنوع خاص من الرحلات وهو الرحلات المستدامة. تبدأ الرحلة بالتعرف على خصوصية الرحلة المستدامة بالبحث والتفكير في وسيلة لتخطيط لرحلة (أو سفرة) مستدامة من خلال أنشطة معرفية متعددة تتوج بعرض التلاميذ لمنتجات المشروع (عروض تقدمية، محتويات رقمية، صور و بوسترات ، فديوات…) التي قاموا بها بطريقة تشاركية مع اقرانهم من مؤسسات مختلفة من تونس وخارجها في موقع واب لوكالة أسفار تروج لرحلة مستدامة.
Project Idea OSHT 2
OSHT 2.0 is a multidisciplinary eTwinning project that brings together 7 classes from 4 countries (Tunisia, Italy, France, Romania) who all operate to promote sustainable travel as travel agents to destinations in their countries.
During this quest, the students carry out several activities individually or in collaboration with their peers from other establishments. All the activities are designed to help the students build their knowledge about the theme of sustainable development, to work in different environments, to collaborate with peers of different nationalities and cultures through ICT using English/ French to communicate
OSHT 2.0 is based on a project-based approach, inquiry-based learning, social constructivism, and the integration of ICTs as educational approaches.

Who we are
At the end of the project the students will:
gain knowledge about the SDGs by investigating the aspects of sustainability in general and in the context of a holiday trip in particular
examine the values and behaviours that will contribute to a sustainable future create a plan for a sustainable holiday trip as a way to act for a sustainable future
develop English language skills develop life skills of collaboration, communication , critical thinking, problem-solving, flexibility, and self-regulation
develop and foster their digital competence
learn to learn , to manage one's learning and to think critically
The Project Final Products
The students working in the project will create various products including collaborative videos and brochures/ infographics, postcards, presentations, WebQuest, a collaborative website for a travel agency.
Duration of the Project:
The project is achieved over two years ; from 2022 to 2024