
Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 11:39 PM | No comments

One... Two ... eTwinning National Prizes!

Two of the eTwinning projects of 2021 and 2022 were awarded with an eTwinning National Prize. The projects are:
The two projects involved two teachers as the founders and 2 classes; the 3rd year Math and 3 year Sciences. They worked as one Team. Some students were even involved in the two projects with their teacher. And the results were so satisfying for both the teachers and the students. Here are a few pictures of the rewarding ceremony during the etwinning National Conference that was held in December 2022, in Hammamet, Tunisia. Our heartfelt congratulations to the teachers and the students for their achievements!


Our students and English Teacher, Mrs Majdoub, took part in a discussion with a pannel of the ministry of education representatives, UNICEF Tunisia, and representatives of L'institut français about the added value of eTwinning projects on developing the students' skills and foreign languages taking the Grandma's Stories in 2080 an etwinning Europeean prize-winning project as an example.

Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 2:57 PM | No comments

International School Award Accreditation

I am delighted that our schools has been successful in gaining the International School Award that is accredited for three years by the British Council. Congratulations to our head teacher, the ISA school co-ordinator and the teachers who have worked so hard to co-ordinate such an impressive range of work. They are a credit to the school and the wider community. We are hoping that the scope of your excellent international activities will continue to develop and benefit the school community by large. This is one of our commitments to support the educational community in our region by sharing our know how in terms of innovative international work.


فكرة المشروع OSHT 2.0

مشروع  OSHT 2.0 هو مشروع تربوي في التوأمة الرقمية يخوض خلاله الطلاب من دول مختلفة (تونس، رومانيا، إيطاليا، إسبانيا، فرنسا) رحلة تعليمية لرفع وعيهم  بالعمل المناخي والاستدامة  من خلال موضوع العطل والأسفار يلعب  خلالها تلاميذنا دور وكالة أسفار تروج لنوع خاص من الرحلات وهو الرحلات المستدامة. تبدأ الرحلة بالتعرف على خصوصية الرحلة المستدامة بالبحث والتفكير في وسيلة لتخطيط لرحلة (أو سفرة) مستدامة من خلال أنشطة معرفية متعددة تتوج بعرض التلاميذ لمنتجات المشروع (عروض تقدمية، محتويات رقمية، صور و بوسترات ، فديوات…) التي قاموا بها بطريقة  تشاركية مع اقرانهم من مؤسسات مختلفة من تونس وخارجها في موقع واب  لوكالة أسفار تروج لرحلة مستدامة.

Project Idea OSHT 2

OSHT 2.0 is a multidisciplinary eTwinning project that brings together 7 classes from 4 countries (Tunisia, Italy, France, Romania) who all operate to promote sustainable travel as travel agents to destinations in their countries.

During this quest, the students carry out several activities individually or in collaboration with their peers from other establishments. All the activities are designed to help the students build their knowledge about the theme of sustainable development, to work in different environments, to collaborate with peers of different nationalities and cultures through ICT using English/ French to communicate

OSHT 2.0 is based on a project-based approach, inquiry-based learning, social constructivism, and the integration of ICTs as educational approaches.

Who we are


At the end of the project the students will:


  • gain knowledge about the SDGs by investigating the aspects of sustainability in general and in the context of a holiday trip in particular


  • examine the values and behaviours that will contribute to a sustainable future create a plan for a sustainable holiday trip as a way to act for a sustainable future


  • develop English language skills develop life skills of collaboration, communication , critical thinking, problem-solving, flexibility, and self-regulation


  • develop and foster their digital competence


  • learn to learn , to manage one's learning and to think critically

The Project Final Products

The students working in the project will create various products including collaborative videos and brochures/ infographics,  postcards, presentations, WebQuest, a collaborative website for a travel agency.

Duration of the Project:

The project is achieved over two years ; from 2022 to 2024


Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 5:42 PM | No comments


It has been demonstrated that a shared school leadership can help build a strong and effective school community, where all stakeholders have a voice and feel invested in the success of the school. That is why we thought of establishing a school leadership plan to implement in the next two years.

  1. Collaborative Decision Making: Creating a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility among all members of the school community, including administrators, teachers, staff, students, and families.

  2. Clear Roles and Responsibilities: Defining and communicating the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders, including administrators, teachers, staff, students, and families, in the decision-making process.

  3. Professional Development: Providing ongoing professional development opportunities for all members of the school community, to help build the skills and knowledge needed for effective shared leadership.

  4. Communication and Transparency: Establishing clear and open channels of communication among all stakeholders, to ensure that everyone is informed and involved in the decision-making process.

  5. Continuous Improvement: Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement, by setting clear goals and regularly evaluating progress, and making adjustments as needed.

  6. Empowerment: Empowering all members of the school community to take ownership of their roles and responsibilities, and to actively contribute to the decision-making process.

  7. Encourage and reward initiative: Encourage and reward initiative, creativity, and leadership among students, staff and teachers.

  8. Inclusion and equity : Foster an inclusive and equitable school culture, valuing and respecting all voices in the school community.

  9. Celebrate Successes: Celebrating successes and sharing best practices among all members of the school community, to foster a sense of collective responsibility and ownership.

  10. Evaluation: Regularly evaluating the shared leadership plan, gather feedback, and make adjustments as needed to improve the plan.

With shared school leadership, all members of the school community have a say and feel invested in the school's success, resulting in a strong and efficient school community. To achieve this, it is important to have a continuous effort and dedication from all stakeholders and to frequently evaluate the plan to confirm its effectiveness.


Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 11:32 PM | No comments

No to Discrimination eTwinning Project


The Science and Maths third grade students took part in an interdisciplinary , bilingual eTwinning project dealing with fighting different forms of discriminations . There was a quality exchange between all the students from Bachir Nabheni High school and their peers from other schools in France, Romania and Italy. The project is both in French and English. 

"Non à la discrimination" No to Discrimination  project aims to be interdisciplinary, unifying and effective.

Through the activities, we want to bring the students to:

  • become aware of the seriousness of discrimination,
  • become familiar with collective projects and strengthen their sense of belonging to a large heterogeneous community by developing the notions of diversity and solidarity through several ideas: games, screenings, group actions, etc.
  • become future good, respectful citizens who act actively to fight against unfair practices and communicate human values ​​such as mutual aid, the rejection of prejudices and inequalities.
  • have a sense of commitment to solidarity actions.
  • be sensitive to the duty of memory by studying the history of characters who fought discrimination in their time through personal or collective actions.
  • learn to unmask discriminatory practices.
  • use as many  ICT tools as possible provided by the eTwinning platform or elsewhere.

The different activities of the project were rich and culminated in the creation of a card game to help inform learners and people who play it in general about the fight against discrimination of many people nowadays and history. 

Bravo to our students and to their peers from the other partner schools. Below is our card game have fun discovering it!

Jeu de cartes Non à la Discrimination


Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 12:52 AM | No comments

Our Sustainable Holiday Trip


Like every year our students get involved in eTwinning projects. Our sustainable Holiday Trip is a multidisciplinary project including schools from Tunisia, Italy and Romania. The idea of the project revolves around the theme of Sustainable Holidaying. Holidaying is a well-thought of enterprise. As such, we need to make the right choices and decisions. We should not only take in consideration our budget, our interests and needs but also think of the impact our activity may have on the climate, the environment and the planet . That’s why in our project “Our Sustainable Holiday Trip” our purpose is to foster a sustainability mindset by helping the students develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to think, plan and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for our planet through the theme of holidaying. The 3rd grade maths  students with their partners   will thoughtfully design sustainable holiday brochures or videos collaboratively.

The project aims at the students to : 

  • gain knowledge about the SDGs by investigating the aspects of sustainability in general and in the context of a holiday trip in particular
  • examine the values and behaviours that will contribute to a sustainable future
  • create a plan for a sustainable holiday trip as a way to act for a sustainable future
  • develop English language skills
  • develop life skills of collaboration, communication , critical thinking, problem-solving, flexibility, and self-regulation
  • develop and foster the students digital competence
  • learn to learn , to manage one's learning and to think critically



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