


       Le projet Pays de la mer Méditerranée et leur patrimoine commun a été une expérience unique. Pour la première fois dans l’histoire d’eTwinning en Tunisie, les élèves ont pu se voir réellement et échanger. La rencontre est inoubliable. Les élèves du lycée Bachir Nabhani de Hammam-Lif et les élèves du lycée hôtelier "Ignazio et Vincenzo Florio" di Erice Sicilia, Italie, ont participé à plusieurs activités qui les ont rapprochés en mettant en avant des éléments communs de leur patrimoine comme la cuisine, les traditions, la musique...

   Les objectifs du projet ont été atteints. En effet, à travers leur collaboration en ligne, les élèves ont été sensibilisés à la richesse et la diversité du patrimoine méditerranéen tout en explorant les spécificités de chaque culture. Par la communication en présentiel ou en ligne, ils ont renforcé leurs compétences linguistiques et numériques (TIC).

  Le projet a également été couronné par l’obtention d’un label de qualité, reconnaissant ainsi l’excellence de la collaboration interculturelle et les efforts déployés pour promouvoir les objectifs du développement durable (ODD).

  Les élèves ont été sensibilisés aux pratiques touristiques responsables en s’initiant aux ODD. Les recherches sur l’histoire de la Tunisie et de la Sicile ont créé des liens entre générations : les jeunes ont recueilli des témoignages d’immigrés sur les deux rives. Ce dialogue interculturel renforce la tolérance dans une région historiquement marquée par les échanges mais aussi les conflits.

  Ils ont collaboré pour la création du site et partagé leur expérience exceptionnelle, une aventure qui a non seulement rapproché des jeunes de deux pays, mais qui a aussi laissé un impact durable à travers la reconnaissance du label de qualité.


Posted by Hayfa Majdoub Posted on 6:55 PM | No comments

Celebrating Success: OSHT 2.0 Project Earns Quality Label

We are thrilled to announce that  OSHT 2.0 project has been awarded 
The National Quality Label! 🏆 


 This recognition celebrates the two years of hard work, dedication, and collaborative spirit of our students, teachers, and international partners from Tunisia, Romania, Italy, and France. Together, we've embarked on an educational journey to promote sustainable travel and raise awareness about climate action, making this achievement a true testament to the power of teamwork and global cooperation.


   OSHT 2.O stands for more than a project. It embodies a heartfelt mission to enlighten and motivate young individuals on the significance of responsible travel practices. Through a range of scaffolded tasks and activities our students have gained insights into climate efforts, environmentally conscious living by working alongside their peers from various nations. This premise has not only expanded their perspectives, it also equipped them with knowledge and skills to advocate for constructive change within their local communities. 


   From planning sustainable trips to creating digital content and presentations, the journey of OSHT 2.0 was filled with creativity and learning. Students worked hand in hand, overcoming language barriers and cultural differences to achieve a common goal. This recognition is a reflection of their resilience, teamwork, and commitment to making a difference.

   The Quality Label is a  recognition that acknowledges excellence in collaborative eTwinning projects. It highlights the high standards met by OSHT 2.0 in areas such as innovation, integration of ICT, collaboration and active student involvement. Receiving this label not only celebrates our success but also inspires us to continue striving for excellence in educational projects.

   We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our partners for their incredible support and commitment to the project. A special shout-out goes to our amazing students whose enthusiasm and hard work were the driving forces behind this success. Your creativity and dedication truly made OSHT 2.0 an unforgettable experience.

   The journey doesn’t end here! This achievement paves the way for more exciting projects and collaborations. We look forward to continuing our mission of promoting sustainable travel and environmental awareness, inspiring more students to join us in making a positive impact.

   We invite you to dive deeper into the fantastic work our students have created by exploring the OSHT 2.0 project’s final outcomes website. Discover presentations, digital content, and other collaborative works that showcase the incredible journey of our students in their quest for sustainability.

Thank you all for being a part of this journey with us. Let’s continue to learn, grow, and make a difference together!

Links to check out: 

The Twinspace 

Dissemination of our project during a webinar dedicated to Tunisian educators



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